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I just got word today from Paul Ryan – the fellow who set up the education fund for Francis Pop

He says:

Please let everyone know that contributions are rolling in everyday and when I go through my mail I get notice of another check or two coming in – the outpouring brings tears to my eyes. We are now about $6,000, but it will cost a lot for Doctor Francis Gailiunas, or filmmaker Francis Gailiunas, or President of the United States of Canada Francis Gailiunas to get his necessary education. We can contribute through out the years and it will all continue to accrue for the little man. I know this he will continue to be on my annual Christmas list.

He also asks that if you make a contribution, please email him at ryan [at] ulyssesfinancial [dot] com so he can make sure that Schwab has the contribution and also so he can let Jake and Paul know about the contributions.

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