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letter from Paul


Somehow, I am managing to get by. Since the day Helen died, I have been surrounded by friends and family and this has been so helpful to me. I am trying keep busy. I am very grateful for your letters and e-mails and love and support.

Our little son Francis Pop is 2 years and 3 months old today. He is simply the most precious and most important thing to me now. He is so small, but he is a very strong, good boy. Francis is coping extremely well. He is able to play and to enjoy the people here who so clearly love him. We are trying to fill what we know is a hole in his little heart, having lost his most important person, his protector and number one playmate, his beloved Mama. I honestly am convinced that he is doing so well because Helen was such a fantastic mother, and provided him with a very deep trust in others and security in himself.

I will have a hand surgery next week and physically I know I will be fine. Sometime after that I’ll bring little Franny to be with my family in North Vancouver for who knows how long.

Becky and Kevin, Helen’s parents, wanted to thank you all for your generosity and your kind thoughts.


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