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Please let it be known that a memorial tree sculpture is being created for Helen -and the community’s loss of Paul and Francis as well. People are encouraged to make a weather-resistant ornament “leaf” to hang on a branch. Volunteers are needed from different cities to gather up leaves and send in a bulk mailing to an address that will be determined after the funeral, etc. in So. Carolina. Please email Nikki Page at nikkipage@gmail.com to discuss/volunteer…see www.nolanik.blogspot.com for basic sketch for the tree, though the details of the physics pf the scultpure are still being worked out so the design could morph.

The tree will be placed in public during a decoration party as soon as ornaments are gathered and the basic structure is created. Thank you to “Klayto” for collaborating on creating the tree!!!

Thank you for posting everything. Lookig forward to seeing people I have no idea I know through blogs!

more information on the tributes page

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